Second Opinion
You go for certainty, even when it comes to the future lighting at your production site. We are happy to assess your existing lighting design, whether it concerns your possible investment or the technical specifications of the lighting. After receiving the necessary documentation, we will send you a report offer free of charge within one week.
Substantiated report
If you accept our offer, we will assess your lighting design and explain our findings. If the existing design is correct, we will explain why it is correct. If it can be improved, we explain how and why it can be done better. In that case, we offer you an alternative to your lighting solution. Curious about what such a report looks like? Feel free to ask!
Call our experts
If you accept our offer, we will assess your lighting design and explain our findings. If the existing design is correct, we will explain why it is correct. If it can be improved, we explain how and why it can be done better. In that case, we offer you an alternative to your lighting solution. Curious about what such a report looks like? Feel free to ask!